255 Blue Lakes Blvd N. #672 Twin Falls Idaho 83301
With a deck or patio slab in place and with a roof or patio cover over it you have a great opportunity to enclose the space to increase the amount of time you can utilize the area.
Screen Room Conversion All Dream Room Patio Enclosures have dual slide sliding windows with full screens. The sliding portion of the windows are removable which when removed can convert the enclosure into a screen room.
Optional Solar Screens For those patios that face west and get a tremendous amount of sun late in the day the SunScreen Screens can be added to the room to help protect the room from overheating. In the winter time the screens are easily removed so that heat can enter when it's colder outside.
All Sunroom Options Available Like all Dream Room Sunrooms, the walls for Patio Enclosures can be designed with all glass walls or include solid walls above and below the sliding windows. Each enclosure is custom designed and manufactured for each customer's needs having as much glass or as little glass as you want.
All season room or just enclose With three energy upgrades and two walls systems the Dream Room Enclosure can be designed to use all year long or designed to just keep the dust, rain, snow, wind and bugs out.
255 Blue Lakes Blvd N. #672 Twin Falls Idaho 83301
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